
About Us

Samsung Vina Insurance Co., Ltd (SVI) is a joint venture between Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance (SFMI) as one of the top global non-life insurance companies in the world and Vietnam National Reinsurance Corporation (VINARE) as the first reinsurer in Vietnam.

Credit Rating

Assigned to Samsung Vina Insurance Co., Ltd that has, in opinion of A.M. Best, a superior ability to meet their ongoing insurance obligations

Rating period


Long-term Issuer credit rating (ICR)


Financial Strength Rating (FSR)


Effective date

10 Oct 2024

Credit Rating


With the commitment to provide our customers with the best quality products and services to their satisfaction, we, Samsung Vina Insurance understand that fair and prompt claims settlement would be a great support to our clients for recovery their business due to unforeseen/sudden incident/loss.

With professional business, good service and strong financial security, we would like to bring to our customers an excellent service and satisfaction based on terms of PROMPT and FAIR.